1. Usage Policies and Limits
    1. Customer, as designated in Predictive Apps Terms and Conditions, is permitted one (1) Account with unlimited Administrators and Users. Customer shall comply with any additional usage policies and limits concerning use of the Service, as designated in Predictive Apps Terms and Conditions, as requested by Spectrum Communications & Consulting LLC. (”Spectrum”) from time to time.
    2. The text, graphics, images, video, metadata, design, organization, compilation, look and feel, advertising and all other protectable intellectual property (“Content”) available through the Service are our property or the property of our advertisers and licensors and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Unless you have our written consent, you may not sell, publish, distribute, retransmit or otherwise provide access to the Content received through the Service to anyone.
    3. You agree not to rearrange or modify the Content. You agree not to create abstracts from, scrape or display our Content for use on another web site or service. You agree not to post any Content from the Service to weblogs, newsgroups, or mail lists, without our written consent.
    4. You agree not to use the Service for any unlawful purpose. We reserve the right to terminate or restrict your access to a Service if, in our opinion, your use of the Service may violation any laws, regulations or rulings, infringe upon another person’s rights or violate the terms of this Agreement. Also, we may refuse to gran you a user name that impersonates someone else, is protected by trademark or other proprietary right law, or is vulgar or otherwise offensive.
  2. Users
    1. Customer Administration of Service. Customer may specify one or more Administrators through the Admin Console who will have the rights to access the Admin Account and to administer the Users. Customer is responsible for: (a) maintain the confidentiality of the password and Admin Account (s); (b) designating those individuals who are authorized to access the Admin Account(s); and (c) ensuring that all activities that occur in connection with the Admin Account(s) comply with the Agreement. Customer agrees that Spectrum’s responsibilities do not extend to the internal management or administration of the Service for Customer.
    2. Users. Customer agrees that Users will comply with the Terms and Conditions and Usage and Billing Terms. Customer consents to receive electronic communications from Spectrum via the email address provided for account set up. Customer agrees that any notices, disclosures, or other communications we send to you electronically will satisfy any legal communication requirements. Customer agrees it has the sole responsibility to provide access to Service and designate permissions for Users through the Admin Account.
  3. Billing
    You agree to pay the subscription fees and any other charges incurred in connection with your account for the Service (including any applicable taxes) at the rates in effect when the charges were incurred. If your subscription includes access to areas containing premium content or services, your access to such areas may be subject to additional fees, terms and conditions, which will be separately disclosed in such areas. We will bill all charges automatically to your credit card. Subscription fees will be billed at the beginning of your subscription or any renewal. If the payment method cannot be charge, Spectrum may suspend you access to Services until the payment is processed.

    Spectrum may change the price for the paid subscriptions, including recurring subscription fees, from time to time and will communicate any price changes to you in advance, and, if applicable, how to accept those changes. Price changes will take effect at the start of the next subscription period following the date of the price change. Subject to applicable law, you accept the new price by continuing use of the Service after the price change takes effect. If you do not agree with a price change, you have a right to reject the change by unsubscribing from the paid subscription prior to the price change going into effect.
  4. Renewal & Cancellation
    Your payment to Spectrum will automatically renew at the end of the applicable subscription period, unless you cancel your paid subscription before the end of the then-current subscription period through the Contact Us form on apps.predictivesalesai.com. The cancellation will take effect the day after the last day of the current subscription period, and your access to the Service will be removed. We do not provide refunds or credits for any partial subscription periods.